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Three Friends Met on Salams Connect and Planned a Girls Trip!

The Salams Team

Basama B., our Salams Team Blogger, had a conversation with three friends who met through Salams Connect. Valeria, Hafsa, and Arifa planned an entire trip after meeting through the app. A lot of people would like to get to know other muslim friends in their area and Salams Connect totally helps with this. Let's read about each of their experiences with Salams Connect and how they plan to continue to use it.

Basama B- What was your experience while using Salams Connect app?

Hafsa A.-

Honestly, I saw someone on TikTok use the app and I never knew the friendship side existed, the second I found out I hopped on. Being a desi girl in her mid 20s in a pandemic it is so hard to find new friends especially like minded ones, so salams really helped with that and I met many many amazing girls while on the app.

Valeria T.-

So far my experience using Salams Connect has been good, Alhamdulillah. I travel a lot because of my job and have to stay weeks at a time in different locations, I am a very social person by nature but also very picky with my friends and always want to be close to people who would motivate me to keep increasing my Imaan. So its always great to open the app and make new friends anywhere I go. Even if I don't get to meet them in person, at least I have great conversations with locals and great halal restaurant recommendations.

Arifa K.-

I was able to connect with people that had the same interests as me and get to know people from different backgrounds and experiences. The app is one of the first that I have seen that allows women to connect with each other and was really impressed.

Basama B-  Can you describe your experience of when you met in person?

Hafsa A.-

I think its safe to say we were all pretty nervous... I initially met Val on the app and we instantly clicked and she had told me that if I'm ever planning a trip to let her know and she had such a nice vibe about her that when I did plan this trip she was the first to come to mind and I instantly without hesitation asked her and reluctantly she said yes!  We video chatted for a bit before we flew out to Denver!
Once we all landed in Denver we met at the airport and got our rental, stopped for food and began our drive to our first adventure which was Pikes Peak(pic attached). I loved that there was no awkwardness because we spent the majority of the trip in the car going from city to city and park to park with random little adventures in the middle. I created a whole itinerary down to the hour and it was easy to follow and we all stuck to it and doing so we were able to fit in more random little spontaneous adventures throughout the trip.

Valeria T.-

Meeting Hafsa and Aarifa in person was great, it felt as if we had known each other since forever. We really clicked when we met on the app and while planning the trip to Colorado, we Facetimed. Because we had matched so well on the app and knew each other's interests and personalities, we were able to navigate our friendship very smoothly. Before meeting them I was a little worried about traveling with two complete strangers, thinking it would be a terrible trip if in person our personalities clashed. Alhamdulillah everything went great and the trip made our friendship stronger. A month after we came back from the trip I went to Austin to visit Hafsa and Aarifa and we are planning on trying our best to see each other at least once every two months.

Arifa K.:

When we first met at the airport in Denver it was a little surreal since I couldn't get over the fact that I met such good people through an app! We connected instantly and were shocked at how well we got along!

Basama B- Do you plan on going on other trips with your new friends?

Hafsa A.-

We do! I added the TikTok link to my Salams profile and every girl that has come across it has asked to seriously join on the next trip! They loved the idea of this spontaneous adventure with strangers and being Muslim girls I think we all felt safe. We've created a group chat on Instagram with all of us on it and have an excel sheet as a "get to know you" and we all keep adding more girls to it and thankfully we all vibe really well. I think this next trip will hopefully have 10+ girls going and we're thinking to go mid April to skip the covid rush of spring break. We're all planning to focus more on the trip by Feb and align our schedules and see who can go! We're hoping either Oregon or Cali!

Valeria T.-

Absolutely, we already made plans for another girls' trip in April, InshaAllah, and we hope to bring along other sisters we meet on the app.

Arifa K.-

We are in the works of planning a trip but we will see how it goes!

Basama B- How did you hear about Salams Connect?

Hafsa A.-

I heard about it on TikTok and ran to download it!

Valeria T.-

I watched a TikTok from a social media influencer talking about the new feature on the app.

Arifa K.-

I heard through a friend that used it to make friends and recommended it to me since I was moving cities.

Basama B-Any advice for other Salams users?

Hafsa A.-

Honestly if used right you can really find friends for a lifetime, we all are pretty much in similar stages in life with work and school and family life so no one feels bad when they reply late because they know the person they are talking to understands, just go with a open mind and right intentions and you'll find yourself surrounded by like minded people who wish nothing hut the best. Were too old for petty drama. All of us have strict parents and we all just wanna travel with a big group of girl so it works out for everyone lol

Valeria T.-

Don't be scared to reach out to people, it would surprise you the amount of good-hearted and kind people you can find on the app. Talk about your interest and why you are on the app on your bio, it will make it easier connecting with people with the same interest as you.

Arifa K.-

The app provides an opportunity to make lifelong friends, travel buddies, and much more! It is a place where you can connect with people that have similar interests/hobbies as you and get to know them on a deeper level!

We first heard of these three friend's experience through a Tiktok they made on their accounts.

Alhumdulillah it's so nice to see Muslim sisters creating long lasting friendships. Islam is a religion that encourages peace and friendships. Shukran girls for sharing your experience with us! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures together! - Basama B.
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