Arej & Jerome

What attracted you to each other's profile?

The second I read his profile, I knew he was Jerome was very straight to the point and forth coming. He was everything I dreamed about in a future husband. His communication skills were on point. Never left me on read. Responded within a reasonable time.

What was it like meeting each other in person?

At the time Jerome & I began chatting in the Salams app, I was working SO much, sometimes even double shifts. That particular week we began talking, I had mentioned I was addicted to Lindor chocolates. On the first time we met, he brought me Lindor chocolate!

What was your experience while using the Salams app?

I am so thankful I downloaded the Salams app. At first I was very hesitant so deactivated it. Upon reactivating it, I met Jerome shortly after. Total time spend was less than 2 months!

Any advice for other Salams Singles?

Know what you want & use that as a basic guide. Trust your gut. If the conversation can’t flow naturally, move on to the next.

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