Yousif & Wafa

I’d like to say it was as easy for me as it was for my wife, Wafa. I was on there for a few months - she was on there for a few hours when we both matched. I’d been looking for my wife for what felt like forever - thought “Minder” would have similar connotations to “Tinder” and was very skeptical when I first came across the app.  

However, my close friend’s wife does make-up and told me that 3 recent brides she worked for had all met their husbands through the app - so I gave it a whirl.I’d like to say it was as easy for me as it was for my wife, Wafa.  I was on there for a few months - she was on there for a few hours when we both matched.  

Within a few days we both wanted to meet each other.  I can’t tell you exactly when we matched, but I believe it was May 2018; we met in person in June, and got married November 2018.  Online “matching” can be so stressful - and often felt like grad-school or a job application process with “interviews” looking for the right one.  

I’ll tell you though, it was worth it to finally find her, and that process of meeting / interviewing all the people that didn’t work out made it so much clearer when I finally met the one that was perfect for me. Thanks again, for making the world a little bit smaller, and facilitating a match that’s made my life infinitely better.

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